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Zero Volume 1: An Emergency TP

Published by Image Comics
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Edward Zero was the best spy the Agency had—and then he realized he was working for the wrong side.

"A first issue is the buy in of the great game, story. This is ZERO, and it's where all the action is. Have a seat." —Jonathan Hickman (THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS, EAST OF WEST)

"With ZERO, Kot continues to push boundaries of both form and content to stunning and inspiring effect. A new kind of spy thriller written with scope, intelligence and flat out gripping storytelling, ZERO is easily one of my favorite reads of the year." —Scott Snyder (SEVERED, Batman)
"Kot and Walsh control the pace masterfully, inching out the horror so you feel its effects in every panel. Zero completes his mission, but by the end of the issue you're not sure whether it's worth the cost." - Comic Book Resources

"This is a book without a single weak link; the script, art, structure and idea all combining to create something extraordinary."
-Bleeding Cool

"...the most scintillating comic book on the shelves."

- Multiversity Comics

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Image Comics (March 4, 2014)
  • Length: 172 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781607068631
  • Ages: 13 - 16

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