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Beb Deum
About The Author
Beb Deum, real name Bertrand Demey, was born in 1960. After attending the École des Arts Appliqués, Beb Deum made his debut in Metal Hurlant where he published some remarkable and strange short stories. In 1987, he published his first book, a collection of stories drawn for the same Métal Hurlant, with Beb Deum choosing a definitive title: L'Album. Scriptwriter Jean-Pierre Dionnet took him under his wing for Région étrangère, a baroque, blood-soaked space-opera. In 1993, with Surgir de l'onde, entrer dans l'ombre, Beb Deum and Marie-Ange Guillaume settled their accounts with Creation. Three years later, the author published La Théorie des Dominos in Japan (published in France the following year). Like a dozen other European artists, Beb Deum was chosen by Kodansha, one of Japan's major publishers, to give the manga industry an exotic makeover.
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